Since joining the team at Betting Emporium, 'StattoBets' Dave has delivered over 4500 selections for a total profit of 1989pts at 3.89%.
In terms of what that really means, a customer with him from the start in 2021, betting just £10 per point, would have returned a profit of over £19,000 in that time. Average bet size is about 12 points.
While Football and Darts provide the lions share of picks through the year, Tennis and Motor Racing have also chipped in with profits over that period as well.
Dave provides in depth write ups with analysis of why he is having certain bets so not only do you get to follow a proven winner you get to learn from him too.
Sign up here
Best Wishes,
Dave, Neil, Joe and the Team at
SOCCER - TENNIS - DARTS with Stattobets Dave - Monthly Subscriptions
Stattobets Dave specialises mostly in English and International soccer, tennis majors and big darts tournaments. He shows a proven good long term profit as shown below.
Long Term Record - Overall Sports at February 1st 2025
Darts = 21488.0 (+1499.40) +6.98%
F1 = 142 (+67.10) +47.23%
Tennis = 3568 (+18.50) +0.52%
Football = 25978.50 (+404.50) +1.56%
TOTAL 51176.50 (+1989.50) +3.89%
Dave is currently covering soccer, darts and tennis (with an occassional bit of F1).
If you would like to join Stattobet Dave's army of winning followers first of all you will need to register on the website here
once registered please use the link below...
Monthly subs are £50 pcm and can be cancelled at any time. You can sign up here.
Stattobets record in 2023
Stakes 7078
Number of bets 683
Profit +989.40
ROI +13.98%
Stattobets record in 2021
January staked 705 profit +180.28 ROI +25.57%
February staked 800 profit +153.82 ROI +19.23%
March staked 525 profit + 201.21 ROI+ 38.32%
April staked 889 profit +371.18 ROI +41.75%
May staked 504 profit +138.84 ROI+27.55%
June staked 1236.50 LOSS -353.86 ROI -28.62%
July staked 758 profit +176.79 ROI+23.32%
August staked 654 profit +93.17 ROI 14.44%
Stattobets record in 2022
January staked 992 loss -97.94 ROI - 9.87%
February staked 618 profit +120.47 ROI +19.49%
March staked 242 profit +38.88 ROI +16.07%
April staked 445 loss -39.8 ROI -8.94%
May staked 265 profit 44.26 ROI +16.70%
June staked 209 loss -52.13 ROI -24.94%
July staked 592 profit +74.14 ROI +12.52%
August staked 556 profit +136.36 ROI +25.06%
September staked 382 profit +90.31 ROI +23.64%
October staked 839 loss -165.52 ROI - 19.73%
November staked 887 loss -110.05 ROI -12.41%
December staked 1029 loss -19.79 ROI -1.92%
2022 Total staked 7056 profit +6.20 ROI +0.09%
Stattobets record pre joining Bettingemporium
Staked 4356 Profit +526.70 ROI +12.09%
This includes an impressive ROI on soccer of +12.14%
Stattobets record since joining Bettingemporium in all soccer, tennis and darts
TOTAL 51176.50 (+1989.50) +3.89% (at 1st February 2025)
Monthly subs are £50 pcm and can be cancelled at any time. You can sign up here.
You can read more about Dave and the rest of the Bettingemporium Team here
Best of luck!
StattoBets Dave (Twitter @Stattobets)